I’m sure you’ve seen that one link that started it all. The beheading of a household charm, a baby’s chew toy and beloved giraffe Sophie. All because one parent had a hunch that their toy was poisoned. Low and behold our girl Soph…alarmingly saturated with mold. And thus, said parent posts a photo, sending waves of panic into the homes of all Sophie owners. The beloved giraffe decapitated out of fear.
Now in good reason, it is AWESOME that the mom trusted her gut, tested this out and elimated the source of toxicity from her home. In good faith, I had to test it out as well. Every time my littlest chomped down on sweet Sophie, my inner dialogue cringed, “Mold, mold, mold. Danger, danger, danger.”
So the time came. I documented this in an Instagram story, and within 10 seconds, the giraffe neck was scissored to reveal the creamy, clean, free from mold, dirt, water, crumbs what-have-you, insides of an innocent toy…It was a Toy Story moment. I instantly thought of Woody, Buzz, Barbie, and The Potato Heads grimacing in horror at what I had done. After seeing the movie once or twice…a day, I actually empathized with fictional characters from a movie as a fellow comrade brutally murdered on a hunch.
The next thing that sounded off in my head was, there goes $30 bucks. And you know what? I had quite a bit of feedback on Insta-story regarding the decapitation, and you know what? All. The. Same. Not one person who wrote back had mold in their rubber giraffe. Clean as a whistle. Gone too soon.
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Inside is 100% cleaner than the outside. |
Do I believe everything on the internet?
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There have been multiple cases of mold findings: bound to happen with a toy exposed to moisture. I’m more concerned about the sip cup situation…That’s direct ingestion. |
One thing we have done, generationally, is that we harbour so much fear in what we are doing. My point being, one person cries wolf and it becomes an epidemic. We are so reactive and not always in a positive way, and we create panic. We think we aren’t doing enough, or we aren’t being organic enough, or aren’t reading up enough. Why not just roll with the punches? Fear is a good thing, and we do need fear at times, but I find that I, at times, find fear in almost everything I do that involve my kids. And the next thing you know our kids toys heads are falling off!
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Gone but not forgotten…well its probably already forgotten but… |
So I am sorry Sophie. Hindsight is always 20/20. After seeing one story, I ended your tenure in our home. This could be devastating in some households, but fortunately for me, my guys both had the take it or leave it kind of dependency on the toy. Unless your toys smells or is leaking some sort of fluid…give this poor giraffe the benefit of the doubt of being worth the $30 plus bucks and just enjoy the toy….or just cut it’s head off. Admittedly, we have a second Sophie…and even though I’m not going to test this theory out again, I have so say, I’ve thought about cutting of her head.
Just Chill.
Trust your Gut.
Save Sophie. <-