So it happened. Someone on Instagram tagged me to reveal 5 things about me…or something of the sort. So I did it. And what happened was really cool. What happened was I found more people who had commonalities, who had differences, who had the same sense of humor, and who were basically awesome and positive people. What I found was that this little tag challenge via social media is a pretty therapeutic process. Some people have the opinion that ‘bloggers’ or whoever are narcissistic or vain for posting pictures or information about themselves so often. But for you people, I have another blog post for that. Stay tuned. What is therapeutic is that you not only gain more perspective on the things that make you, you. It is also about breaking down that surface stuff and pay attention to the connection made with other human beings. There was not one negative comment on my Instagram feed about my 5 Things. Not a one. And that’s why I want to share. That is why I do what I do. This community I am in here (the blogosphere) is effing amazing. Thank you.
So this little blog series is going to be about letting you in a little bit more. Short and Sweet. Plain and simple. The nicest compliment I get from this online community is that I’m Real. I like to beleive it is true. So thank you again. It’s a bit lighter, a bit more entertainment than information, a bit more personal than perception. So….
This is me.
5 THINGS: The WONDER YEARS ( I Wonder What the Hell was Going Through my Mind)
- When I was 2 I chugged kerosene. I was almost a goner. My brother stood on the front lawn screaming for the ambulance to direct it to our house faster while no doubt my Mom was in the greatest panic of her life. Sorry ’bout that Ma.
Who drinks kerosene? This Girl. - I had my first kiss at the Movies during Addams Family Values (the sequel, I know right?). Grade 9. It was wet and pretty gross I think. But the takeaway? Christina Ricci slayed as Wednesday.
- I have always secretly or perhaps obviously wanted to be in Hollywood, or Broadway…or community theater…whateves. I’ll take it. But always too scared to continue to try. I auditioned, had head shots, wore hats like Blossom, but things didn’t pan out.
- In grade 8 I blew up a little. It happens; Hormones, bad relationship with food, general laziness….
But I’ll tell ya one thing….I was a nice kid. But I was teased at school. It wasn’t nice. It still hurts my feelings today. But I think those experiences are what inspired me to become a teacher. To know what self-love looks like and to understand that tolerance of bullies is unacceptable is worth that experience. (P.S.- I’m a Grade 8 teacher…on extended mat leave).
My first day on the job…one student fainted, one stood right on top of his desk and farted, and I’m pretty sure I sweat right through both layers of my outfit. - When I was far too old to admit (12 or 13), my cottage bestie and I had a full blown wedding ceremony to marry our stuffed animals. We sent out invitations, made a priest’s collar, set up an aisle with rows of seating and conducted the ceremony in our many theatrical voices. Full wedding party of other stuffies too by the way. Let’s just call it Children’s Theater. Meanwhile in present time, 13 years old be lip-lining with Kylie and contouring the hell outta themselves for the perfect selfie. Sigh.
RBF in full effect. Not sure what I was going through, but nothing, NOTHING warrants Doc Marten’s with white scrunch socks in the middle of summer…in Muskoka. I wonder….
So there you have it. 5 Things.
Share your “Wonder Years” Things with me in the comment box below!