So I have a confession. I’m a major skin care product junkie. Face Masks, eye masks, clay masks, peels, lotions, toners, adaptogens, wipes…you name it. I love, love, love trying products to protect and enhance the biggest and most beautiful organ we have. Counter-intuitively however, I also admit that I set out on this mission to improve and protect my skin late in my life. It wasn’t until I had my first son that I really began to notice my skin needed major attention…probably due to lack of sleep and lack of time focused on the self. In short, I started to learn to love myself enough to take time for myself. Hence, I developed a routine. So here’s what happened, I realized I had pigmentation issues, gross dirt and build up buried deep under my pores, and absolutely detested the dark circles around my eyes and even some discoloration at the outside corners of my eyes as well. I began to understand that my skin was unique, as is yours, your best friends, your mothers, and your mutha’s mutha.
Disclaimer: I am no skin expert. But I have sought out advice from skin care professionals. But what I do understand is how my skin speaks to me now. For the most part. Hormones and stress seem to run the show around here so I always have that in the back of my mind and cringe when that time of the month is looming. But now with two boys in tow and often running me mom-ragged, I started to notice dark circles under my eyes becoming more and more apparent. The fatigue and dehydration were catching up to me.
Truth Bomb
So what about that routine I just preached about? I don’t always get to do it in full force, but that’s just motherhood. Anyone relate? The kids are finally settled in snoozing in their beds angelically as if it was a seamless process (chuckle, chuckle, snort, snort) and you JUST.WANT.TO.CRASH. Maybe fit in a glass of vino just before. But the exhaustion just takes over and the last thing you want to do is a 10 minute routine of wash, rinse, spray, apply, apply, yadda, yadda, yadda.
The Product
So here’s what I found as a solution to my problem. Insert Vll Code oxygen eye masks. These eye masks are specifically designed for those dreaded dark circles and fine lines!
Here’s how it works:
1) Shout out from the bathroom for your husband/partner/roommate/whoever to pour you a glass of wine.
2) Give your face a quick wash with your regular facial cleanser. Pat dry. Never pull at your skin.
3) Remove individually packaged eye masks from their aluminum bags and peel the back protective membrane.
4) Place the eye masks under your eyes and press gently to allow the skin absorbing nourishment to commence.
5) Guess what? You leave these on WHILE.YOU.SLEEP. Set it and forget it. This is an 8-hour spa experience for your eyes! (I’m a face sleeper and these bad boys stayed on all night).
6) Walk out from the bathroom, grab your wine, smile flirtatiously at your husband who looks at you pensively, and relax for the rest of the night. The eye masks have already started to work their brightening and hydrating magic. Say goodbye to tired eyes, dark circles, and heavy lines.

The Results
After 6 treatments of these eye masks, I clearly noticed my skin was hydrated! I also recognized that my skin felt tighter around the area the masks were applied. And those dark gray circles shadowing my glorious green eyes were brightening with every use. I love a good face mask like any other gal out there, but when I could tailor my skin care needs to a target area, I was so thrilled to try this product, test it out, and then be relieved that its claims proved to be true. Here’s the thing with skin care products I’ve learned, there is no miracle product. No fountain of youth. But when you find a product that you actively take notice of the change, its a keeper. Maintenance is everything in skin health.

So if you are wondering what skin care products I use, you can include this one in my bag of tricks. I’m no magician because I always reveal my secrets. Check out the rest of my skin care regime here. ->
Use discount code “herwritepeace” until the end of the month to get started with VIICode Eye Masks Now.
Putting the beauty back in beauty sleep.
MY NEXT SKINCARE MISSION: What the heck is with this pimple party on my forehead? Stress? Hormones? Aging? Sweat? Florida humidity?